Nico Gil BodyBlue Personal Trainer & Swimming Coaching
Nico Gil lives and breathes sports since he was a child. Representative of his country Argentina in international competitions in Swimming and Water Polo he finished his career as a professional athlete in Europe.


Today he is a renowned High Performance personal trainer. His career as an athlete, coupled with complex ongoing training and experience acquired over the years has permitted him to transcend and develop his own training systems geared to the different branches of physical activity: Health and Sports Performance. His extensive professional aspects, allows him to  work with different types of customers, from people who want to improve their body composition, recover from an injury, improve their physical condition, to world-class professional athletes, and the preparation of personal challenges “Extreme”.


The key to his success lies in the love for his work, helping other people achieve their goals. You can see him daily swimming, running, surfing with friends, enjoying a sunset on a Stand Up Paddle, training in a gym or on the beach with his family.

Nico Gil Personal Trainer & Swimming Coaching
Nico Gil Personal Trainer & Swimming Coaching
Nico Gil Personal Trainer & Swimming Coaching
Nico Gil Personal Trainer and Swimming Coaching




The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is the world’s leading authority on fitness and strength training, and is a member of the European Health and Fitness Association.
